At, we have identified over 235282 areas in Japan. Some of the most popular areas in Japan are - Aichi 460-0008, Nagoya, Naka Ward, Tokyo 160-0023, Tokyo 104-0061, Shinjuku City, Chuo City, Fukushima Ward, Osaka, 553-0003, Tokyo 160-0022, Tokyo 180-0004, Musashino, Shinjuku City, 810-0001, Fukuoka, Chuo Ward, Yodogawa Ward, 532-0011, Osaka etc. You can view all 235282 areas in Japan by - Major Areas in Japan
We have identified 4237 category of places in Japan. has listing of over 105564 parks, 82689 Corporate offices, 43518 atms, 42741 Barber shops, 39424 Convenience stores, 39230 cafes, 38507 Clothing stores, 37991 Community centers, 37629 Hair salons, 33628 manufacturers etc. Start exploring different places in Japan by clicking on any of the Category below